Basic Ocaml ffi with c library (update) ======================================= ## Update: I posted the original article ([basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643](./basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643.html)) also on the Ocaml forum. From a user "nojb" I got the following comment on []( > nojb: > [...] > Just a tiny comment: the CAMLprim macro is something used in the compiler codebase, but does not actually do anything for user code (even if some people like to keep it anyway as a kind of reminder that the function is exposed as an OCaml primitive). ## Rest of the original article: Basic Ocaml ffi with c library url: ([basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643](./basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643.html)) In the previous article I just showed the most basic and simple way to call C from Ocaml. Read more about here [./basic-ocaml-ffi_20240828121852.html](./basic-ocaml-ffi_20240828121852.html). So this is another basic example that shows how to call into a C function from Ocaml. This time the C function exists in its own library source file inclusive a header file. The base and starting point for this article is again an article on under [](