I posted the original article (basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643) also on the Ocaml forum. From a user “nojb” I got the following comment on https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/blog-post-simple-example-where-ocaml-calls-a-c-function/15211:
nojb: […] Just a tiny comment: the CAMLprim macro is something used in the compiler codebase, but does not actually do anything for user code (even if some people like to keep it anyway as a kind of reminder that the function is exposed as an OCaml primitive).
url: (basic-ocaml-ffi-cfile_20240829235643)
In the previous article I just showed the most basic and simple way to call C from Ocaml. Read more about here ./basic-ocaml-ffi_20240828121852.html.
So this is another basic example that shows how to call into a C function from Ocaml. This time the C function exists in its own library source file inclusive a header file.
The base and starting point for this article is again an article on StackOverflow.com under https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57029419/unresolved-external-function-while-linking-ocaml-and-c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/memory.h>
#include "basicmath.h"
// CAMLprim is not neccessary
//CAMLprim value caml_basicmath_plusone(value number_val){
int caml_basicmath_plusone(value number_val){
int number = Int_val(number_val);
printf("Stub arg: %i\n", number);
int res = plusone(number);
printf("Stub res: %i\n", res);
return Val_int(res);
.PHONY: all clean
all: main
gcc -c basicmath.c
ocamlc -c stubs_basicmath.c
ocamlopt -o main basicmath.o stubs_basicmath.c main.ml
rm -f main
rm -f *.o
rm -f *.cm*
rm -f *.a
rm -f *.dylib